Safety Tips for Handling an Electric Water-Heating Kettle
In every homestead, there are those accessories that you will never miss. An electric water-heating kettle is one of these. Majority of us will make use of this appliance on a daily basis, whether to prepare a cup or otherwise. Increased exposure means that safety is important, especially because accessory runs on electricity. Nonetheless, very few homeowners are aware of safety guidelines and proper use of an electric water-heating kettle. This article addresses the gap and provides useful and lifesaving pointers to homeowners.
Wet is Dangerous!
Electricity and water can be compared to day and night. They do not go together. Therefore, always make sure that the cabling of an electric kettle is completely dry before plugging it into a socket or an extension cable. Both ends of a cable must be checked for wetness, that is, the female/male side and the plug. Wet cabling can cause serious injury because of electrocution or start fire in your house.
Avoid Naked Wires
Naked or uninsulated cables must be avoided at all costs as long as safety is anything to go by. Contact of naked wires will normally cause an electric shot, which is a prerequisite to fire. Even worse, electric water-heating kettles will often overflow when water reaches boiling point. Consequently, this can cause electrocution and cause serious harm to home dwellers.
Watch Out for Water Level Markers
Most if not all electric, kettles have water level markers. It is prudent for home users to observe these markers for safety purposes. For instance, if the minimum level mark is not met, the water-heating element will overflow and get damaged. It can also explode and start a fire. On the other hand, if the maximum water level mark is exceeded, spillage will occur at boiling point, which is dangerous. Hot water can endanger life through scald burns.
Never Forget a Fuse
As a rule of thumb, all electric appliances must incorporate a fuse for safety purpose. An electric water-heating kettle is no different. A fuse is particularly important in this case because water is involved. For improved safety, two fuses should be used - one for the kettle and the other for the connector cable plug.
Make Sure the Auto-Switch Works
Most electric water-heating kettles have an auto-switch that turns the device off when water reaches boiling point. It is important for homeowners to ensure that the switch works at all times. Failure to do so will increase chances of spillage and overheating of electric cables at boiling point.
For more information or advice, contact a test and tagging service.