Commercial LED Lighting | 3 Winning Strategies To Plan Your Showroom Lighting
In the abundantly competitive retail world, you'll want to get your showroom lighting perfect to attract the right clientele without burdening your bottom line with expensive power bills. Commercial LED lighting presents the perfect opportunity to infuse dramatic and brilliant lighting into your showroom. This guide is designed to equip you with smart strategies to plan your showroom lighting.
Establish Light Requirements For All Showroom Spaces
Keep in mind that while general lighting is important, not every inch of space in your showroom needs full-fledged lighting, so be sure to establish to establish the light requirements cleverly. For example, you can create specialised well-lit front display zones where your products are exhibited as focal points. You will also need full-fledged commercial LED lighting in trial rooms to give your customers the opportunity to view themselves properly for making clothing decisions. Display zones inside the showroom will also need strong focus lighting to highlight the features of the products you're trying to sell. Areas surrounding receptions, waiting rooms and walking paths may need less lighting than others.
Choose Between Narrow Beam And Wide Beam LED Down Lights
Down lights are valuable additions in any showroom because they help draw attention and focus towards products on display. While adding down lights to your showroom is non-negotiable, you will need to determine whether you need narrow beam lights or wide beam lights for your specific needs. Wide beam angle lights should be used when you're trying to spread even light over a bigger area. For example, wide beam lights are perfect for furniture sets, bedroom sets, automobiles, and other large products. On the other hand, narrow beam lights used to highlight smaller products like jewellery, crystal ware, glasses, appliances and apparel. Avoid using narrow beam lights in your entire showroom because they will take away the focus from specific products you're trying to draw attention towards.
Choose Dimming Features
While you're probably wondering why you need dimming for your commercial LED lighting, you'll be surprised at how useful and economical this feature can be for your showroom. Dimming saves a tremendous amount of power during low traffic hours or when your showroom is shut and you don't want to turn off your display lighting. This makes dimming important because most showrooms prefer to keep their display lights on because passersby can convert into potential customers at any time of the day. When you dim your lights, you will still manage to highlight your products without paying the same price for electricity consumption.
Follow these tips when planning commercial LED lighting for your showroom.