What to Keep in Mind Before Choosing Solar Lights

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Regardless of their purpose, every solar light you buy will come equipped with its own solar panel. This is what makes the light solar, after all. There are three primary attributes that you should take into account when considering any type of solar lights: size, structure, and how it connects to the light:


When it comes to solar light panels, size is incredibly important. The bigger it is, the more powerful the light will be. The reason for this is quite logical. With a bigger solar panel, more light will be absorbed at once, leading to a faster charging of the lights. In areas with limited amounts of sun light, this attribute is extremely important. Bigger doesn't always mean better, though. If you plan to use the solar lights in an area where there is plenty of sun during the day, there is no need to buy bigger panels.


While there are many types of solar panels used for solar lights, the three most commonly used ones are:

  • Mono crystalline
  • Polycrystalline
  • Amorphous.

Mono crystalline panels consist of single crystal silicon cells. In these cells, the crystal atoms are arranged continuously and their arrangement is unbroken. This type of solar panel can be identified by its even exterior colour. Since they have a more uniform structure, mono crystalline solar panels are the most efficient.

Polycrystalline solar panels are made of solar cells that have a smaller number of silicon crystals than mono crystalline panels. They can be easily distinguished by the metal flake type grain. They are the least expensive and most common panels used in solar lights.

Amorphous panels are not composed of crystals, but they feature a thin layer of silicon atoms. Because of this layer, they tend to be bigger in size compared to the other types of panels. Their advantage is that they are capable of capturing a wider light spectrum, which makes them more efficient in limited light conditions, for example during cloudy days.

Light Connection

This refers to the way that the panels are attached to the lights. Most solar panels come directly installed on top of the light, while others can be connected through a wire and positioned wherever you please. This is an important feature when it comes to practicality. For outdoor solar lights, wires might be unnecessary since you won't need to move the panel around. For indoor lights however, this is vital as you might need to move the solar panel around in order to avoid shady spots.

When it comes to panels for solar lights, there is no single best choice because your pick highly depends on factors such as practicality, placement, and even price. With the information provided in this article in mind, make a decision according to your needs. To learn more, contact a company like Accord Electrical.
